Frequently Asked Questions

You can be referred by any doctor in Ireland registered with the Irish Medical Council. For many this is their GP. You do not need to be referred by a mental health professional or need a diagnosis of gender dysphoria.

To download our referral form Click Here

No you do not: this is not a requirement for our service. If you have seen or are seeing a mental health professional, we may ask you to forward any reports or contact them directly with your permission so that we have up to date information on your mental health.

Our service is only for adults over 18 years old. However, we accept referrals to our waiting list from age 17.

No: you must be resident in Ireland.

If you are planning to move to Ireland, we recommend that you contact us in advance (the sooner the better) and we can advise what you need to do next. 

We are currently seeing people who were referred four years ago.  We are working to reduce this time but wait times can go up or down.

You and/or your referrer will receive a letter once you are placed on the waitlist.

If you did not receive this letter and want to check that you are on the waitlist then please contact us at [email protected] or 01 2090009. Please note if you were under 18 at the time of referral, then the letter confirming your place on the waitlist will have been sent directly to your referrer. 

Please ask your current Gender Service or Endocrinologist to refer you to our service. Or simply ask your GP to refer you. When we receive the referral, we will get in touch if further information is needed.

We see people of all gender identities both binary and non-binary.